

Web3's mobile-first distributed file storage system.

Closed Beta
SHA: 0x
Version: 0.19 (TestNet)
App usability subject to approval by Exa Protocol during closed beta.

Web3 Project?
Use ExaDrive for

Effortlessly manage your project’s assets, including images, documents, and more, with our new ExaDrive Management Console—completely free!

Save, organize, and track your files with ease, and even host static websites, all powered by a decentralized network of mobile nodes!

Goto Management Console
Flow Library Asset 4

What is ExaDrive?

ExaDrive is a peer-to-peer distributed file system that enables humans to store their data on a decentralized storage network created using mobile devices. ExaDrive is similar to a cloud storage service where you can put/get/delete files.

Friendly UX

ExaDrive offers a familiar and intuitive user experience, allowing you to get started quickly without the need to understand the complex technology behind it.

Earn Passive $XAP

With ExaDrive you can earn $XAP tokens. All you need to do is allocate your phone storage to the network and enjoy passive $XAP earnings as people start using your phone storage.  

Low Strain on Battery

The biggest concern while running a Web3 app on a phone is the strain on the battery.  ExaDrive uses minimal battery while offering a secure file storage system.

"A truly distributed file storage (DFS) will exist only with a mobile-first approach"